TeleCOVID Mexico is a digital Telemedicine platform that allows the detection, monitoring and administration of information of people who may be infected by COVID-19 by health professionals, in real time.
To provide first responder remote emergency assistance and monitoring of suspected cases of COVID-19, through telemedicine and offer a real-time dashboard with case analysis, to map and support the public health professionals.
The cases examined and at risk, due to the infection by COVID-19, are referred for telecare in their own environment and with data security, with their medical history and folio, a waiting list is generated, where the doctors will grant assistance.
Analysis of Data
Based on the clinical data and risk factors collected by the application, real-time monitoring of the patient’s situation and analysis using artificial intelligence algorithms for the severity of symptoms and risk factors are performed.
From the geolocation data of the application, it will also be possible to monitor the situation of patients in real time and the analysis using artificial intelligence algorithms for the probability of risk areas.
Virgin Research Institute is a Mexican company oriented to the scientific investigation in the area of medical protocols founded in 2009 in the city of Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico